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Sense Tailor is a “brand with soul” that was created with a focus on valuing the human, talent and “caring hands”!

The uniqueness of each model, created with all the commitment and dedication and the importance given to detail, manifest the true essence of the brand, presenting a rich history of stages. A story of the process, the time dedicated, the artisan’s love for his art and all his intrinsic knowledge in every detail!

The rescue of knowledge that comes from the past, from human history, generations and generations do what they love, our models are not designed to be discarded, they have sentimental value, tradition, they represent emotion!

Our shoes are part of the history of our artisans and will be part of the history of those who wear them, they don’t get old, they acquire experience, they “talk” about lives, they are shoes made by people for people!

Time, we like time, in fact, time is our true ally so that our collections can be well made and pampered, we work on quality instead of quantity, heritage instead of novelty!

Our exclusive and limited production is a conscious and human production, it values ​​the artisan community, nature and not just the final product, as all the materials used up to it are carefully chosen, many of them coming from nature and recyclable. , without harmful chemicals and respecting the environment.

Sense Tailor presents unique collections for unique people, involved in a “greater consciousness”, holistic and collective consciousness, of respect, appreciation of the human, humanity and nature! After all…we are all ONE!

We invite you all to take a “trip” through the Sense Tailor website, discover our collections and identify with our essence!

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